unidentified creepy crawlie


New Member
I am new to SW tanks. I recently purchased a piece of live rock. Last night after lights out, I noticed some kind of tentacles coming from the rock. I have searched the net but I am not able to come up with anything similar. I have some pictures if anyone can help.


Prob a speghetti (spelling) worm. They are good if it is. Did you notice it appering to transport things along the tenticles back to the main body?


Active Member
these tentacles, are they long and very fine, kinda stringy?? and all seem to originate from a central location??
if so, my guess is spagetti worms, and they are a benefit to the tank, these tentacles stretch out in search of food, which to them is left over garbage and stuff left behind by the fishes(or whatever)


New Member
This thing does not look like a worm. It looks like an octopus in need of steroids! The tenacles are thin, mostly transparent. Some are red in color.


Active Member
my vote is with ren, still thinking spagetti worm
when you see the tentacles, they are pretty much transparent or semi clear, and have little black flecks(the food, being channneled back through or on the tentacle), the ydo not grab pieces of food like other species adn pull the tentacle back, but move it along the tentacle


Active Member
oh, and you probably won't see any part of the worm if it is, it generally stays burrid in the rock


New Member
I was able to upload this picture. It is quite large. Sounds like a speghetti worm is the winner.
<a href="http://server3002.freeyellow.com/jiardina/11111.jpg" target="_blank">Very Large picture of critter</a>


Active Member
i would definitely say spagetti worms now, i have never even seen the head of ours(always in a place e could not see into), but he tentacles look exactly the same


New Member
Thank You. At least I won't have to worry about disappearing in the middle of the night. If the spaghetti worm is good for the tank... I will let it be.
Thanks again


Active Member
yep, they are definitely god, all they do is clean up the trash, no agggression or fish problems, jsut clean up, those specklike looking things in the tentacles were the food i was refering to, if you watch closely you can see it move towards the body(slowly)