universal saltwater fish forum


This probabbliy the greatest saltwater fish forum ever!!!props to the founder
but i have one question is there website like this for fresh water
because anyone SW tank has or has had a FW tank and they'ed probably want some tips on that


Active Member
Most of us have fresh water, or have had fresh water prior to going to salt. Just ask away and i bet you'll get lots of answers. I've seen a decent amount of FW questions answered here.


Active Member
Most of us have fresh water, or have had fresh water prior to going to salt. Just ask away and i bet you'll get lots of answers. I've seen a decent amount of FW questions answered here.


I agree with dracois. Even though this website only sells saltwater, there are people on here that would like to learn in freshwater fish and plants
. This website would probably grow if this were salt and fresh water topics. Its up to you guys though to decide.
HELLO !!! dosent "saltwaterfish.com" ever occur its SALTWATER not freshwater, I wouldnt think people wouldnt think that a site called saltwaterfish.com would ever sell freshwater fish or stuff in that boudary


Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
HELLO !!! dosent "saltwaterfish.com" ever occur its SALTWATER not freshwater, I wouldnt think people wouldnt think that a site called saltwaterfish.com would ever sell freshwater fish or stuff in that boudary
True, but the people on here already might want to talk about freshwater. This is just a suggestion to the operators of this forum/website.
I doubt they'll do it but itll be a good shot at it. Theres alot of freshwater fish that are beutiful. My LFS has a freshwater tank and it has these Orange and Blue Schooling fish really nice, we bought 4 of them and they look really nice.


Active Member
I think it would be something as simple as adding another forum, i personally think its a good idea. It's definately closer to fish then what goes on in the aquarium section of this board.

scopus tang

Active Member
There are other sites out there that cover freshwater topics, but like Lex, I'm sure there are lots of people on here who have freshwater experience (I've personally been running African cichlid tanks and breeding them for 16 years), who would be willing to answer questions if you ask. It probably would be better organized if there was a separate forum, but I didn't seen anything in the rules against it (of course if the supporters disagree, they are free to change the rules), and mods are free to lock or remove threads as they see fit.
Then we should just make our own freshwater threads in the beginers section or the fish discussion sections and all the ones that dont have saltwater related topics like reef


I will point admin to this thread. for now any FW realted questions and topics should go in the aquarium.


Ok then, I guess from now on Freshwater topics will be in The Aquarium. I still think FW should have its own folder like on the home forum page.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
took me all of 2 min (no disrespect intended) to google fresh water aquarium forums there are many you can join