unknown cabbage leather


Active Member
I have a type of leather coral I dont know what type it is.I havent found anything in my books or online to compair it to.Its been in my tank now for about a month 2of them have died already this being the last in the tank so far its still firm but unless I know what it is I cant make sure its getting what it needs to servive,I do know its a cabbage type but have no reference to know what it looks like healthy.if anyone has any ideas of what species this is id greatly appreciate your input .tank specs are 120 gal reef coralife pro lighting dual 150 HQI MH ,ph 8.2
temp 76 degrees
sg 1.024
amonia 0 nitrates 0
nitrites 0
ventri pro skimmer
65 gal sump /fuge with trickle filter
and yes I use ro /di water 25% weekly water changes
all other corals and stock are doing great this one I just dont know how to care for it or what it is