Unknown creatures in Reef tank


New Member
I am having a lot of problems with my reef tank. First I had a powder blue tang and it died within 2 weeks because of ICH. I thought this is normal with tangs and kept my tank empty for almost 3 weeks. Then I put in a Royal Gramma, Clown, and a long nose butter fly, all these died within 2 weeks and again the cause was severe ICH.
Now I have my tank with no fish for over a month, only members are corals, bubble tip anemone, Urchins (Growing large day by day) and fire shrimp along with the cleaning crew.
The corals polyps are blooming, they have more than doubled there size in the last 2 months, and I have a lot now. I am still concerned to put in fish, please advise.
Corals: I have large Frog Spawn , Kenya Tree (Woooo too many now, and very large also), 3 Yellow Polyps, now I have like 30+, 2 small pieces of Xienia, now I have a large tree, and lots multiplied, lots of different kinds of Mushroom from no where, and I have a stony coral also don't know what kind it is.
Another thing: I have my tank exposed to partial sun light (Just morning sunlight for couple of hours), I of course have a little bit green algae on the glass. This has reduced a lot from before.
This morning I observed tiny little organisms on the glass. There are a lot of them sticking to the glass and shaking it's tentacles. I have attached the picture, this is zoomed. I am really concerned, can anybody advise on what this is. Also, please suggest if it is going to hurt to put any fish in now.
By the way my tank is 90 Gallons with T5 lighting.



Those little "critters" are normal in reef tanks. They come from the live rock, you may also notice red bristle worms (look like centipedes) crawling around in the sand and on the rocks.
No need to worry about the bugs.
Now onto adding fish to your aquarium...
Patience is the key. It sounds like your aquarium was heavily infested with ich, I would advise keeping it fishless for 14 more days if you have had it fishless for a month so far. Ich can be easily prevented if you follow a few simple steps which can be found all of these forums in the FAQ sections. Basically your going to want to QT every fish before introducing it to your display to prevent your display tank getting infested with ich again. Search the forums for QT that is the #1 way for preventing another crash in your display.
One last thing, did you treat the display with any type of medication for the ICH? Its not suggested to do this, and if you did check the side of the bottle to see if Copper is in it, if so your live rock and corals are probably being severely damaged and large water changes would need to be done asap.
Good Luck and QT your fish!!!!


New Member
I have not medicated my tank at all, only the B-Ionic supplement, and this is absolutely wonderful.
Thanks for the tip again, I feel a lot relived. My tank is crying out for some fish, but like you said I will wait for another 2 weeks before adopting a few new fellows.


Maybe just try like some damsels at first this time so if they do die you wont loose out on a bunch of money? Just a suggestion


Originally Posted by Poop_heaD
Maybe just try like some damsels at first this time so if they do die you wont loose out on a bunch of money? Just a suggestion
damsels are a pain to get out of the tank. And later on down the road, you'll really regret putting them in there in the first place. IMO i'd steer clear of damsels and go with something you really want. Just be sure to acclimate correctly!


You will be alright, I had a 55 gallon that turned into a complete wreck because I had an ich outbreak.. Unfortuently I just threw in salt added a filter and skimmer and thought I would be good to go, little did I know about having to QT fish and properly cycle an aquarium, the fish lasted about a month and then died along with my Live Rock. I was stupid enough to not research online and take LFS advice and use NO-ICH which contained Copper!
Luckily that was 2 years ago and I have very stable aquariums running now.
Just another tip , get a QT tank set up now, Yeah it sucks but its your safest route, I wouldnt use any media or sand from your current Display to help boost the fishless cycle because it could still carry ich. Instead either get some from a friend or a LFS aquarium that looks Ich Free. You can either google Setting up a QT tank or google Fishless Cycle.
Im just suggesting doing a QT with your fish from now on, not all fish will carry ich or other types of disease but its the safest known way to avoid problems later. If you dont QT your new fish and add them it would be a huge bummer if you run into another ICH outbreak and Have to repeat keeping the tank fishless for 4 to 6 weeks.
Good luck


Active Member
Man thats exactly what I have in my reef. I had no idea what they were and I have a crappy camera so nobody could tell me.


Wait another 2 weeks to be sure the ich is gone. Fallow for 3-4 weeks will not work. The ich will still be present.
The critters are normal, they are pods.