unknown puffer


my lfs had a puffer the other day that was black with white spots. they said it was fairly uncommon to see them. i cant remember its name anyone know?


Originally Posted by cwgibson
my lfs had a puffer the other day that was black with white spots. they said it was fairly uncommon to see them. i cant remember its name anyone know?

guinea fowl puffer maybe :thinking:


ive looked at that one it could be i wish i could remember its name
i wasnt paying close attention. know anything about them ie good for a 150g fowl


Active Member
I wouldnt put one in a 150gal. They grow quite large and would need a large tank with very extensive filtration.


its in mcdonough i bought it this morning. they said it was only the 4th one they have had in 10yrs of business. i will pick him up next friday (work always gets in the way) but he looks really healthy.


Active Member
Uhhh.. what size tank are you planning to keep that in? Map puffers outgrow just about everything and nobody wants them once they get big.


Sorry but thats not going to work. Mappa puffers can grow to a little over 2 feet. There is no way you could keep it in a 150g.


It's never a good idea to buy a fish that gets huge saying to yourself that youre going to upgrade. Most of the time this doesn't happen. We all like to think that we'll get a bigger tank in the future but it's not always gonna happen.
These fish need a minimum of a 300 gallon tank. And even then, they should be kept by themselves. Odds are youre not gonna upgrade to a 300 plus gallon tank to keep one fish.
I would opt out of the purchase. These fish should not even be brought into fish stores unless it is a special order for the rare hobbiest that has the necessary set up.
Bottom line is this fish will probably suffer regardless becasue your LFS made an irresponsible decision in bringing it in in the first place.