unkown threat or not


New Member
I think i might have a problem maybe someone can help me out. I set up a new tank about 4 months ago. I have about 5 fish and some crabs and snails. Today i noticed there is a cloud of little white things all over the glass of the tank. they are everywhere and i don't know if these are a good thing or bad.?? Can anyone help??:help:
They are very tiny and look as if it is curled up! Are these worms???


Staff member
Perfectly fine, don't worry about it. Just normal, healthy tank fauna.


New Member
Apparently I have found out that these white things are snail babies...Had no idea that there could be so many llike that! Guess it is allright! (I wonder if any will survive to grow big?):happyfish


Staff member
Most do not survive. They become food for other critters. My clownfish for instance, loves to eat snail eggs. :D


New Member
I guess there won't be a shortage of food...I have 2 clowns as well...
I forgot to ask you if Fauna meant eggs? What happens when I want to clean the algae off the sides??? :thinking: