Unreal Tournament 2004 Question


Active Member
I installed this game a few week ago and it runs great on my computer, but the maps take like 2 to 5 minutes to load. I've been to a few forums and see where a lot of people are complaining, but no real explanation as to why it occurs and how to fix it. Does anyone here play it and know why this happens? Funny thing is it is almost like the computer is locked up while you wait. No harddrive activity or anything. It eventually comes up and the game runs fine as I have plenty of computer to run it.
I have a 3.2 GH Hyper Threaded processor with 1 Gig Ram and an Nvidia 5700 video card.


is your computer overclocked?
UT2k4 has real overclocking instability....
I used to play and never experienced those problems... did you try the latest updates?


Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
is your computer overclocked?
UT2k4 has real overclocking instability....
I used to play and never experienced those problems... did you try the latest updates?

No, my computer is right out of the box factory configured. It appears to be a huge problem. I'll have to see if there is another patch.


Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
planetunreal.com... i just checked that out... there is a new patch.

Yeah, I have it the 3339 patch. It did not have any effect on the problem.