unsolved mystery!murder and fish knapping!


woke up this morning and one of my little nemos was stuck inbetween two rocks dead.. there wasnt any sign of something attacking him. was happy and healthy last night!?!? and my lawn mover blenny came up missing cant seem to find him any place! looked through all the rock (gonna look again) only other thought i have is he made a jump for it and one of my ferrets had a midnight snack.... are lawn mowers blennies known to jump? i have had him for around 6/7 months now and he was huge about 4 inches long. and dont have any crabs other then my small little hermit crabs.


Yeah blennies 'zip' off sometimes and can of course shoot out of the water. Any fish can really jump wether they're prone to it or not. You don't have a lid or canopy on your tank? Lawnmowers sometimes squeeze into hiding spots in the rockwork and can be hard to see. Mine even jams himself behind a powerhead sometimes. Look around, you should either find him or his carcus somewhere. As for the clown, he probably died from something (wasn't attacked probably) and thats just where the carcus came to rest with your flow etc..


My friend was losing fish like you say ends up there was a gorilla crab in his tank 150$ later he found it and exterminated it you may want to stay up some night with a red lens flash light and scope out your tank good luck


Active Member
do you ever hear any strange "clicking" noises coming from the tank at night?


nope no clicking noise. but i think i solved the mystery. turns out i am the murder! satureday i ran into a guy looking to take his tank down cuz he was being deployed and came home for the 4th . and had to leave on sunday. when talking to him at the lvs he was asking if they would buy all his stuff for cash or credit. i over heard and jumped on the chance. ended up helping him take his tank down and for forty bucks i got a candy cane with 12 heads and one other coral still trying to id. and a bucket of live sand for the sump i am just about done building and prolly around 40-50 pounds of live rock! it was such a good deal!!! but when i got home a hour later with out thinking i started rearranging my live rock i believe on the ride home i had some die off on the rock. since it was hot out it sat in the vehicle for a few minutes then had the air on once i left with out thinking the air was blowing right on the live rock for about half the trip home. wasnt thinking straight i guess was just happy to get such a great deal!!! but turns out i had a little ammonia spike which killed the one nemo and put the lawn mower blenny into hiding....but he is still in the tank!but right now the other fish have rapid gills have a water change in the process so hope that will help.dumb mistake on my part though but other then all that the corals i got are doing great in the frag tank!