Unusual Clownfish Behavior



I just bought a pair of clowns for my 10g nano. One seems to be doing some unusual behavior. Its breathing fine and swimming around very actively, also was eating when i fed him. Every once and awhile he will go in a little cave i have setup and lay down on the sand, then get back up and swim around then go back to the very same spot and do the same thing. He has been doing this for the better part of the day. I have a pair in my 65g and never experienced this sort of behavior. Does anyone know the reason for this? Could he be sick? If not i just dont get why he would continue to do this over and over. The other one that i bought isnt doing this he is just swimming around.


Originally Posted by renogaw
how did you acclimate it? what do the water tests look like?
I acclimated them yesterday. The water that they came in was 1.020 and my tank water was 1.023. I temperature acclimated them for about a half hour then dripped acclimated for another hour and half to get the salinity the same.
The tank has been set up for 3 weeks now. Everything in the tank was setup with stuff from existing 65g except for the sand. The tank cycled in about a week. Added some hermits the second week and the clowns the third week.
Parameters are the following:
SG 1.023
Temp 82
PH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 5ppm
What i dont get is that it swims around fine and out of no where flies over to that same spot lays in the sand for a few seconds or so, gets back up and swims around like crazy again. The other clownfish just swims around normally.


Originally Posted by renogaw
might be setting up a nest maybe?
yeah i heard alot of people suggest that, thats probably what it is.