Unwanted starfish sandsifter


New Member
I'm worried about this star that I put in the tank after reading some of the posts such as eating the microfauna. If I really don't want him in the tank what do I do with him now? Our tank is a 55 gal were new at tjs hobby and learning.


I have had a sand sifting star in my 72 gallon bowfront for almost a year and he is the best part of my clean-up crew. He is not agressive and stays in the live sand or I see him on the glass sometimes. I wouldn't worry about him, but if you really want to get rid of him, take him to the LFS and trade him in or maybe someone on here will give him a good home. I would worry more about him starving to death than anything else.


Active Member
One sandsifter in a 72g will die after a year or two. Two will both die fairly quickly...I wouldn't add him.


New Member
I'm in IL but hubby says we will talk to the LFS first before getting rid of him.
If we leave him in the tank will he harm anything but himself if he starves?


Active Member
I would definitely try returning to an LFS, or look up a local aquarium club.
While it is not a sure bet it will die, odds are against it. Most will die in 12-18 months as stated in another thread. The arms simply start to fall off and most people assume it is being attacked until suddenly it just is no more.
It will not "harm" the tank, except the microfauna that it eats which are desirable. But otherwise it will not hurt anything, no.