
Its me again. i hate to ask sooo many questions about my tank but here is another. I have a powder brown tang that does nothing but go up and down the tank all day long! he has never done this before my leather started dying. can this have somthing to do with it? i have 1 powder brown tang, 1 yelloweyed tang, 1 blue tang, 1 flame angle, 1 copperband butterfly fish, 2 sunburst anthias, 1 royal gramma, 6 damsels, 1 goby, 1 blenny, 1 clown, 1 dead leather, 2 cleaner shrimp, 140 lbs live rock, 80 gal tank, 1 frogspawn, 5 different kinds of polyps, 3 leathers, 2 colts, 1 hammar, 2 bubbles, madiens hair, 1 red sponge, 1 feather duster, 3 different kinds of mushrooms, 1 flower pot, and a tube anemone.. 3 florecent 150wt tubes, 1 blue atinic 150wt tube, protien skimmer, huge wet/dry filter, overflow box, extra powerhead. crushed coral for substrate, had tank for 5 1/2 months. use iodin, stonium, alk, coral growth, coral vite, calcium, buffer system, essential elements. SO MY QUESTION IS WHY IS HE GOING UP AND DOWN THE TANK GLASS? ANY INFO WILL HELP! THANKS.


Yes i have. my pH is at 8.2, my ntraite is at 0 ppm, and my nitrate is at 35ppm, and i am waiting for my ammoniato come in...i will post you back in 5.


I just got the reading for ammonia, its 0. none of my other tangs do this. ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD HELP...ALOT! THANKS.


What the heck does that mean? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


What anthem is trying to say is by "change in enviorment" is how long has the tang been in? And how many fish have you added after the tang? Has there been great water quality fluxuations? These would all lead to stress due to changes in the enviroment. Also I would still highly recommend on getting alot of your fish out before things take a turn for the worse. Your tank is still very young and not establishe. HTH


No i havent added any more fish since i got the tang, although my hand has been in the tank alot due to the dead leather. IM still trying to catch all of the damsels without taking out the live rock, so far i got 2 out six. Why dont any of my other tangs go up and down the tank? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


There is sooooo much room for them to roam around in. he used to swim all through the rock and never touch the glass(exept when feeding) then that HORRID day came and my leather died and since then the tang has been going up and down the wall. ANY INFO HELPS!


I'm pretty baffled by this one. I am not sure how the death of your leather would affect your tang. Since you state that your water parameters are good. Was he the last fish add to your system. Because you state you have not added any fish since the tang. In a 80 gal w/ 140lbs lr and 16 fish it seems quit crowded and he is just reacting to it all. Not sure?


I have added no other fish since the tang. he has always swimed through all the rock until yesterday when the leather died. ANY INFO WOULD HELP! THANKS.


Our guess is as good as yours. Fish do a lot of crazy things sometimes.. swimming up/down could mean many different things. Most likely it has to do with many things combined... stress of other fish in same territory/ stress of the leather coral dying etc.
Maybe a small water change will help? I'd try that next.
My guess is that's he's just stressed out because of all the additional action in the tank. With you hand in there alot and chasing those damsels around (I'm assuming with a net), I'm sure everyone in the tank is a little shaken up. As long as your water parameters stay good, my guess is when the action inside the tank settles down, he'll settle down as well. JMO. Good luck.


maybe the leather was his friend?? how big is you tank? Other question is how big are your tangs?? I would be a bnit leary of haveing 3 tangs in a tank much smaller than 150 gallons.


My tank is 80 Gallons. my powder brown (the biggest fish in the tank) is maby 2 inches long, my blue tang is 1 1/2 inches long, my yellow eyed tang is about 1 inch long. ANY IDEAS WOULD HELP!


Thanks thats good to know. but he has never been streased with that many fish in the tank. he was fine for 3-4 months when i got him and i havent added any new fish. VERY SRANGE! ANY MORE INFO WOULD HELP! THANKS


Maybe it is because he has a brain the size of a grain of rice! No but really...I'm sure that it is because he is trying to manuever around the tank. If he were to go straight, he would probably run into another fish or one of the million corals you have in there! Just because a fish is not stressed soon after you put him in does not mean that he will stay unstressed for ever. Fish grow! Now there is a concept! If I locked you up in a 12x12 room i'm sure at first it wouldn't be too bad, but lets see how you would like it after 4 months! Get the point?