Up date from previous post on ich.


Well finally got the last %^&
damsel today i have all fish in the qt tank started lowering salinity today.My questions are how long to leave them in the lower salinity before raising it,and just this treatment alone without copper how does that work without the addition of copper?


I forgot to mention all fish even the one mentioned are eating good and apperar to be doing fine.I'm i doing the right thing without knowing for sure if it is ich or not.In case you don't remember my tomato clown was scrathing the rocks and had what looked like dandruff on it.


Staff member
What are you using to measure salinity?
Here is the procedure for hyposalinity:
O.S.T. stands for Osmotic Shock Therapy which is commonly referred to in the hobby as hyposalinity [water that is deficient in sea salt]. Essentially, O.S.T. simply places the infectors [Cryptocaryon parasite---ick/ich] in an environment in which they cannot survive while the host, (or infected fish) can. This remedy WILL NOT work in reef systems, invert tanks or FOWLR as it incorporates lowering the specific gravity of the entire system to 1.009 Specific Gravity which is not tolerated by inverts or LR.
To drop the salinity, this is done as you would do a normal water change. However, you are simply replenishing your tank with fresh RO/DI water---not salt water! Monitor the lowering closely so as to not reduce it too fast. Usually over a period of 48 hours is fine. The bacteria colony which is the biological support for your tank will survive, the fish will be perfectly fine, but the ich will not. By lowering the salinity, you will also be lowering the osmotic pressure of the water. Boney fish tolerate this treatment very well, in fact, once the water become hyposaline, you will likely note a significant improvement in your fish health and appetite. There is no reason to fear this treatment. You can do a water-change out, in small increments every half hr or so.
Your goal is to drop the specific gravity to 1.009 [48-hrs] gradually. Once all signs of the parasite are gone, then keep your fish in this hypo-saline water for 3-4 wks. If all is well, then you can gradually [over the course of 4-5 days] bring the specific gravity [salinity] back up to normal levels . If all is well after a week, then return the fish to their main tank.
When the fish are eating, offer them quality and varied food soaked in garlic, zoe/zoecon, vitamin C.


Thanks for your help.On the last post they told me that the reef tank would be ok after the treatment because the parisite would not be able to produce will i need to do anything else to the reef tank?


Staff member
If you remove all the fish from the reef tank, and leave it wo fish for at least a month, it should be fine.
But, what are you using to measure salinity/specific gravity?