Update 15 gal reef pics


Took some new pics finaly of the small 15 gallon reef tank
15 gal display
10 gal custom sump/fuge and overflow box
2 clarkii clowns
1 Fridmani Pseudochromis(to quick for pics haha)
1 Randall's Pistol Shrimp(hides no pics what soever of him)
1 Pepermint shrimp
1 Anemone Crab
Green crarpet anemone
Bubble tip anemone
Tube anemone
Kenya tree coral
Very bleached birds nest
misc colored zoanthids
Green striped mushrooms
Silvertip xenia



Active Member
Nice tank and setup.... Chaeto in the refug.
I said to myself nice crab shot before I saw Hot883's comment (Ditto Hot883)