Update, is it ready?


My rebuild on my 46bow is going very well. The tank has been running 100% for almost a month now with no tankmates yet.
All the readings I am getting are zeros except for a possible .05ppm reading on the nitrite. the pH is around 8.4, SG 1.023, temp 87.
My fuge is doing well with some macro algae the seems to be flourishing under the small 19W PC lighting. I upgraded the return pump up to a mag drive 7. This brings my total flow up to around 1200gph with about a 60g total water volume. (20x turn over) I also plan on adding some Tunze pumps to replace the Mj's before any coral is added. This should bring the flow up in the 1500 range.
I am going for a reef setup this time and I think I am just about ready to start adding some inverts. Let me know what you guys think.
Other important info:
Miracle mud in the sump
1-2'' sand bed in display that was "live" a year ago but was left dormant in the tank with only circulating water
~60lbs of live rock that was also dormant with the sand, 5lbs of fresh live rock added a month ago with the restart
196w PC on display tank


With the addition of the TUNZE I recommend a 6055 or better 2 on a multi controller for incredible wave oscillations, you are indeed set for some good growth. You will likely upgrade your light to halide eventually which will open the door to acroporas to you. Now you are capable of some SPS Pocilliopora, some Montipora Caps, and Montipora Digitata to name a few SPS and soft coral. Most LPS especially torch will not tolerate extreme flow conditions, Frog spawn & hammers will. Sand is optional I would go even shallower. You will need to add a Kalk reactor and auto top off unit, I suggest Osmolator for the reliabillity and safety factors, In about a year or so depending on growth. All my opinion take it as you see fit it's based on what I have managed over the past few years.