Update On Q-Tank Scratching Drama



Last Sunday (5/5) did Q-tank (oh the drama). The FW dip was emotional for me & I didn't allow my yellow tang enough time (less than a minute) due to his sudden reaction (on his side) & my freekin' out. My coral beauty was a little more time (1 1/2 minutes), but not the 5 minutes recommended. The percs, mandarin & damsel did well. All got 5 minutes & 6 on the damsel
(conditioning my dislike of the whole mess). I am now using Green-X on my show tank & coral.
Now to get to the copper issue. I added the instructed amount (1 drop per gal) & 12 hrs later half a dosage (1 drop per 2 gal). I did the test 24 hrs later & got nothing on the reading, not even .05!! Of course I did the test a 2nd time. Nothing! BTW, this whole time my biological, as expected, is falling apart...
PH-7.8/AM.50/NI.25/NA-10. I have been adding overkill on Aqua-Plus conditioner & added Ammolock. Also, all this time lowering my salinity to a safer .015. I was told by my LFS, that they due to all the arrivals keep theirs at .014. I think I'm gonna permanently keep mine at .018, this isn't the ocean ppl.
Back to the copper issue. After 5 days of testing & doing time & half dosing, I'm still not getting the reading of .15 I want on the kit. I could do double doses a day the instructions state, but my goal is to get it initially up to 15 & then half of what it took to get it there every day thereafter for 15 days....isn't it <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> I have the 'Fast Test' kit by Aquarium Systems (copper treatment too). Another thing I took in
consideration is the fact the copper treatment might be expired. What do I do to get this reading? How do I know when to test the copper,? 24 hrs? 12? Any suggestions? Oh, no scratching (a couple times on the tang 2nd day) since the dip, all appetites are good & as much harmony as possible in a smaller tank. This totally sucks & so does my sleeping now <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Staff member
I had a real hard time reading this. What a big mess. Dips, Greenx and copper and dosing the main tank. :(
Is your copper test kit compatable with your copper? Probably not, which is why you are not getting readings.
Are you treating ick? If so, you could have avoided all this mess by just treating with hyposalinity.


I am sorry Beth you feel my post is 'a mess'. Can you give me your opinion on what might possible portray a better understanding of my post? I hear you on the hyposalinity issue, but they were scratching & it was spreading & I wanted to relieve them (which I have to say worked)& since I pulled them, I came to conclude that copper treatment was the most effective on this parasite.
After talking with the marine biologist from the Chicago Shed Aquarium :D who works at my LFS. She informed me I might want to switch over to Green-X for my Q-tank, but I did well with the FW dip & the hyposalinity, as you mentioned Beth. She said I should watch my yellow tang for the signs I need to see for improvement. I feel much better about this, because I could not get the damn level of copper, time after time. So now I just do a partial water change, wait a day, add Green-X (which she uses at the Shed) & then let nature do it's best.


Staff member
I wasn't critizing your prose, I was shaking my head at all the "procedures" you were doing and my statement was related to that "mess", I apologize for not being clear.
Copper will work on ick, and work very well. The mess is the 2 other treatments, in addition to copper, as well as dosing your main tank with a toXic substance [copper] and, perhaps 2 toXic substances [greenX miXed with copper].
I wonder if the marine biologist who works at the Aquarium uses greenX and copper in their tanks?? Why don't you ask and let us know.


I have 2 tanks...I've said this twice in other words. My main tank (LR & inverts) being treated (alone) with Green-X. My kids are in a Q-tank with unsuccessful levels being obtained of copper. I only did the
#1 FW dip (for the relief of scratching, It worked)
#2 moved ONLY my kids to EMPTY (PVC, PHS & AquaClear 150) Q-tank
#3 fed a MIXTURE of med food & flakes, formula 1 for mandarin (@ night)
I have now, because I am not getting the copper levels effective, decided to move the kids back to the main/show tank. This is due because, even though I added Ammo Lock from the breakdown of the biological, from 'the copper', I am afraid my spiking levels are going to cause damage. My fish look very strong, alert & 'happy' as well as they could in such a tight space.
My yellow tang's 'brown spots', are now gone/going....he passed/passing the parasite. I don't feel due to the decline in biological, spiked levels, space & the fact I have decided (by the advice of not only a Marine Biologist, but 2 LFS), to treat with the safe non-toxic Green-X & move them back to the main/show tank with all of the above fixed.
The Marine Biologist said they have used Green-X only (hypothesizing) on treating what I described was only scratching & she mentioned it's a great prevention in the main/show tank. I have checked with the Shed & was confirmed she is a legit Marine Biologist.
I hope now, after I wrote basic & simple facts, cleared up the 'mess' I think you mistaken & we are cool...good vibes & good times.
Oh, for Terry B, I am lowering my salinity to 16...watching the reaction of my kids attentively


About 2 weeks ago, I had the same problems trying to get the copper to the correct level.
I was using tap water with Amquel to get rid of the chlorine. Yes, it worked well, getting rid of all the Chroline **As well as the copper**. Some I was going round in a complete circle.
Anyway I gave up on the copper and went with Kick-Ick. However, this isn't working every well, although only been 8 days - but no improvment really.
I may go aback to the copper treatment, but this time, using RO water and the salt already added from my lfs.
I will make that decision next weekend, if this kick-ick treatment fails.


Craig110768, I am with you on the copper testing. However, my 1st & hopefully last FW dip, did relieve the scratching & I haven't seen any other signs of advancement from the parastite (I watch like a mother hawk). I will say since tangs are more sensitive, I've paid close attention to his behavor &/or body. I feel certain now that the brown 'markings' on his body were him ridding the internal parasites. I am dropping the salinity & have not seen any changes in their behavor.
I don't know if this Green-X is a effective resorce, but it was recommended by 2 LFS. The R.O. water is the absolute best. I do know that much...I shelled ;) out the $220 for a system & now I get suburb water. I hope you have some luck with this too.

david s

jess i am fairly new too if i were you i would listin to sammy or beth they are awsome on this stuff from what i have read putting your fish back in main tank may reinfect them I wouldnt move your fish or do anything till you talk to one of them and listin to one person to many cooks ruin the soup


Thanks David for the advice. I am sorry to say I lost my yellow tang <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> last night & I cannot find the coral beauty :( I am so 'spent' on this drama, but I learned my lesson on how important a q-tank is for new arrivals. I don't know what I'll
find this morning :( I saw the male perc acting funny & I think all of them, sides that damn damsel, were affected by the hyposalinity.
I won't touch copper again! Maybe FW dip & I do feel comfortable with Green-X. Tell me is it normal for them to act still animation during hyposalinity? Does their eating slow down? I honestly thought due to the all the peeking of my ammonia & nitrites, that if I wasn't going the copper way after all, then it would be best to put them back in the main where the readings were practally flawless. I think dropping the salinity to 15 was too much on them. I am saving anymore tangs for last!!


I think that the combination of things you used on your fish within that period of time was the cause for their death. I am now a true believer of hyposalinity. I too lost three tangs to copper before I decided to give hypo a try. I now wish I could have done it from the very beginning. My trunk cubicus and perc. clown have completely cleared from the ich, have been eating very well, and have been very active in the QT. I dropped the salinity within a period of 48 hours so as not to stress the fish too much. (Back in May 11, at 7:41 there was a message posted from Beth about Hyposalinity. You should read it).
I am sorry you lost your "kids". I know how frustrating and sad it is to lose something so beautiful after trying your best to save them.
Good luck with the rest.