Update/Raccoon Butterfly~


Ok well 2 days into having a Raccoon B/F.... he perished, RIP...... :mad:
Since i have gotten him from my reputable Lfs he never touched a morsal of food
Tried-flakes, pellet, mysis and brine shrimp, soaked in garlic, and tried a fresh mussel
only bright spot was he looked healthy enough to be swimming freely and nipping at algae...Well i woke up this morning to find him stuck to the bottom of the power head....

Advice for new marines out there, save this fish for when you absolutely know your tank is ready for a very very picky fish......

As for my tank future another blow, but 3 stripe damels doing great, as for my gobies (which work all day) Water paramters were doing good all along, so dunno what else to do except let my tank sit for alittle longer than think about maybe adding a new tank mate to the equation~


Active Member
Buttrflies are not the hardiest of animals in general. I learned in my 30 plus years to stay away from the picky eaters and delicate animals.
Tough to do as certainly some butterflies are quite nice. They can still be kept long-term in the home aqaurium, but several will die for every one that thrives.
Sorry for your loss.