

New Member
A couple of months ago i sent in a pic to be identified. Still not sure what it is but here is a before pic and a recent pic. The this just keeps getting biger. It is shadowing my pods so much im not sure they will make it, but i love the color of the plant. Any other hint on what it may be or how big it may get?


Active Member
Your before shot looks similar to what I found on a coral rock I bought, but the next day someone ate it, and havent seen it since. Bump for ya, how many months went by--that is a big growth :eek:


Active Member
I have a lot of stuff like that. But mine are like less than 1 cm and hard as rock. Is yours soft or hard?


New Member
funny grantman
It is soft and flows with the curent. It has been growing for 2 months. not sure how big it will get. It is getting close to the top of my 55 gal tank. and it on the bottom.


We have the same thing in our display. I think someone IDd it as red sea grapes, but not sure how accurate that is. Ours grew steadily for a few months then seemed to max out. After a trim, it grew again and seemed to stop again. Check with your LFS, one of ours wants as much as I can give him and he'll give me discounts for it. I'm just afraid to cut too much cause we like it too and dont want to lose it. I found that it doesnt behave like grape caulerpa, more like a real plant. Never seen it go sexual or spread like g. caulerpa, it seems only to branch out like a tree. If you like it, dont worry about it and just trim it. The only problem I see for you is light competition with the zoos. Your zoos may start growing long stalks reaching for light. I was beginning to think we were the only ones with this stuff. Going to get a pic to show ours, will post it in a few.


New Member
Thank you for the info rwhite. nice pic. they do look very simular but yet a little differant. When you trim it does it does the trimed part reattach and grow?


Well, I placed a pretty healthy pc in our 10g and it eventually stuck itself to the CC substrate. Havent really seen any growth out of it, but I havent trimmed it either. I could ask my LFS guy if he's heard any reports on the pcs I gave him, but that may take a couple days. Heres an older pic of it in our 10, this was just one pc I cut from the base. Right now it doesnt look as good, I keep moving around the tank and its in the back now...it may not be getting enough light where it is. Its more of an experimental pc than anything right now.

jb rekit

Well, if comparing it to caulerpa, waverunners looks more like razor caulerpa and yours looks more like grape caulerpa.