


Hey everyone! I have had my tank running for about a week now. It is a 12 gallon Eclipse with 17 lb of Fiji and 20 lb of Arag-Alive Sand. The Rock came when I was away and so my dad stuck it in for me (which I re-arranged first thing when I got back today :D )
Anyway after setting up the rock and flattening out the sand, I turned on the lights and ZAP they go out :( :( :(
I havent run the lights and there already broke? The lights cost me 60 dollars what should I do? Well besides that its going pretty good. My rock isnt that colorfull but Im sure it will come around. Anyway I tested the water and..............
Amonia 0.0 (glad im already half way done and only a week!!!)
NitrIte 7.5
NitrAte 0.5
PH 8.1
Do those sound alright? Should I be adding anything to the water? Please some help on the lights its sorta a bummer. Any tips would be toooooooooons of help. Thnx
P.S. Pics will come as soon as I can figure it all out :D


congrats on your new tank and sorry to hear about the lights. I would wait until your tank is cycled, then do a water change. wait another 2 weeks or so...


Active Member
Check to see if the lights have an internal fuse somewhere...if they dont take them back to where you bought them...


Well-Known Member
I would wait until nitrItes come down to 0.0.
I also would add all the plant life you can get your hands on.


well i was doing a bit of work cleaning the tank and I figured out what was wrong with my lighting. The bulb had cracked and water got in so all i had to do was order another. Not too bad.