Updated 55g reef pics!


I just wanted to share some pics of my 55gal that has been running for about 2 months now. I took about 20lbs of LR out of a 10gal that was going for about 3 years and added 60lbs of premium FIJI to that. I've got a homemade 25gal sump/refuge underneath. Im running two maxi 1200's, 1 cheapo zoomed 226 rotating powerhead (i think?), 1 rio 17hf return pump, and a Excaliber skimmer. My lighting is 2 hamilton 175w pendants. One is 10k and the other is 12k. Four 12v 120mm fans keep it all cool. I would like to add some actinics to the canopy soon. My fish list is 2 perc clowns, and a madarin. I have thousand upon thousands of pods in my tank, thats the only reason I added him so early. The 20lbs of LR from my 10gal was well established. I also have some blue leg hermits and a couple of mexican turbo's keepin it clean. I only have one emarald crab now, due to the other large one was trying to eat my mandarin recently. If I can catch the other one, he will be gone also. Anywho, enjoy!



Active Member
looks very nice,,,thanks for sharing,have a great day.....threed240, your aviator is kinda creepy....