Updated pics of Aggressive 155


I lost my Queen 6 months ago , for some unknow reason, she stopped eating and eventualy died.
I replaced here with a French, which was smaller than my flame angel 5 months ago.
Hope you like .
Is that a green moray? If so, you might want to start looking around for a future home for him, and keep an eye on the rest of your fish because from my experience with greens your fish will be dead and the eel will be too big in 8 months tops...


How do you guys upload larger pictures ?
These small pics is all I can seem to get to work .


Active Member
nice tank!! What do you have in there.. from what I can see, it looks like a powder blue, french, flame, clown trigger, humu humu, harlequin tusk?, and then the gold spot and snowflake.


I have a clown trigger (5yrs old), huma (3 yrs) flame angel (1yr) , lemon peel (5yrs), tusk (2yrs), french angel (8 months), powder blue (1.5 yrs), snow flake (4 yrs) , and gold spot (1.5 months) Oh and a damsel (6 yrs ) and blue line puffer (8 months).
I do 15% water changes every week and a half and have had great success with exception to my Queen angel.
Thank you for your nice comments.