updated pics of new 125


I have recently switched from a 55 to a 125. Great move all is well.
i have
yellow tang 4-5"
volitan lion 4-5"
panther grouper 4-5"
snowflake eel 5-7"
horseshoe crab half dollar sized
few hermits
sand sifting star
feather duster worm
Did sad to say lose a arrow crab and a red coral shrimp in the switch from 55 - 125
otherwise all else is great
heres some new pics



No good. hey what happened with some other guy my friend told me he saw a thread where you were mad at someone and they removed the thread?


Active Member
BenzTech, nice tank you have there....very awesome! I would suggest you getting a background so you dont have to see all those wires,ect.


Active Member
i sleep right next to my tank and i have a LARGE little giant pump and i sleep liek a baby...cant evan hear this thing!!!


how big does the horseshoe crab get? i know where i live in new england i've seen them diving in the ocean as big as 12"-24".
nice looking tank by the way.


Are you going to add more rock for them to hide under or in? I hope so, i guess i got a thing for a rockie lookin tank, but it is very cool either. good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clowntang
Are you going to add more rock for them to hide under or in? I hope so, i guess i got a thing for a rockie lookin tank, but it is very cool either. good luck.
Yeah, he could use some more live rock too


Active Member
those damsels are gonna be going bye bye soon that lioan is just going too say breakfest lunch and dinner.lol, thats a awesome tank