Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail


Active Member
how long have you had him, i have had two and both died, they are very hard to take care of but im sure you know that, does yours eat, they are imo the prettiest ray, i love them there spots are so colorful

peter ray

Yes, I have heard these are hard rays to take care of. I have had him for almost 1 1/2 years. He eats...alot. He loves ghost shrimp, frozen krill, mysis shrimp, silversides, live guppies and minnows. I alternate his food around so he never gets bored of one thing and I supplement his food with vitamins. He always loves ghost shrimp. He likes to do his "I'm a hunter" thing!!!


Active Member
holy crap a year and a lalf, thats amazing, really shows you know what you are doing
i am in awww
what size tank do you have,
again im very impressed

peter ray

Thanks! I'm still learning too. I just got lucky! I raised him in my office reef tank (95 gallons) at first and then transfered him to a 180 gallon tank at home. He was pretty small when I first got him and he's grown a bit. Here is is about a year ago (in the office, not at home), swimming around with his fish buddies. He will even eat from my hand! One day I was putting a piece of food on a feeding stick and he popped his head up and down at the top of the tank, as if he were begging! I just reached down and he took it! So cool! Most of the time I use long prongs to put frozen food in and dump the live ghost shrimp in. It's pretty fun to watch him hunt.


Active Member
again i will say im in awww, i remember that pic from your office but i didnt know it was the same ray, they are my favorite, i wish ihad a tank suited for a ray but i dont


Originally Posted by fishkid2
Were you afraid of him bitting your hand off? Don't they have some chumpers?
If I am not mistaken rays mouth structure is built up of cartilige and they have a great amount of crushing power. They don't have any kind of serrated teeth or any for that matter if I am not mistaken. But don't be fooled a good size ray will snap your finger easily if caught in its mouth if it think it's food.
When I was on my honeymoon I remember a spot in grand cayman islands called ray city. basically the name speaks for itself. I decided to hold a sardine I had to feed on of the bigger rays. sure enough he took the sardine along with my 2 of my fingers. i had to punch it to let go because it was about to snap my middle and index finger. not fun at all.
Gorgeous ray man and congrats on successfully kepping it


He is so cute!!! I love him hahahaha, Eventualy I plan on having my own pet store or vet practice with a huge ray display tank. Beautiful fish. Thanks for the pics.