Updates pics of my 240


Active Member
I had a freind of mine come over yesterday and redo all of my rockwork. He spent 4 hrs. arranging the LR. I'm finally satisfied with the arrangement. So far the fish that I have in here are a coral beauty, blue dot nase, whitecheek naso, and fiji damsel. I'll add a porc puffer in about another week.


Active Member
The rockwork is extremely stable. The reason I let my freind do the rockwork is he's been setting up tanks for years, and he really enjoys doing the aquascaping. All of the fish look small in the tank, and I'm tempted to throw all kinds of fish in there, but I know that a couple of the fish I have will grow extremely large, so I'll only add a couple more fish.


Active Member
Thanks for all the compliments. I was very pleased when my freind finished the aquascaping. I spent hours rearranging the rock, and could never get it stable, or eye pleasing. I'll be adding a little more light one day this week, then I'll be done with the tank. Then I'll be starting on my 240 reef.


Active Member
I have another 240. Long story short. The tank thats setup in this pic only came in with 1 overflow, and I ordered it with 2. Didn't know this until I got it home, and unwrapped it. Called my freind that owns the LFS, and he called the distributor he bought the tank from. The distributor just sent me another tank, and told me not to worry about sending this one back. They said the shipping would be more of a cost than just sending me another tank.


very nice looking!!! loads of swim throughs i bet your fish are going to be happy..what are you planning to put in it...any corals or anemones any odd fish?


Active Member
Currently I have a whitecheek tang, blue dot nase, coral beauty, and fiji damsel. The only other fish that I think I'm going to put in are a maroon clown, porc puffer, and lawnmower blenny. The whitcheek tang loves the setup. He's been darting around the rock all morning swimming in and out of the caves. I'm not going to put any corals in this tank.


Active Member
A freind of mine gave me about 80 lbs. of it. He said it's called tonga shelf rock. I still have some of it left that I'll be using in my other tank.


thanks stacy. keep us updated on the tanks. once i move later this year i plan on getting two 240's too.


I gotta say that is eye candy! Your set up is sweet!:eek:
Your deal on the tank (or should I say tanks) ain't bad neither!!


Active Member
I really wish I could take the credit for the setup. I can only take the credit for having it in my house, as a freind of mine did the aquascaping. I mentioned to him today all the great comments everyone posted and all he could say is " A saltwater tank is a picture of art, and Stacking LR is just the 1st step in creating a work of art. " He takes it very seriously. He took every peice out of my tank, and put it into several tubbs. Everytime he was ready for another peice he would walk around, and look into every tubb until he found the peice he needed. I can't wait to see what he does with my reef tank.