Upgrade Question


I am upgrading from a 29 to a 65 gallon tank. I will be transferring all of the rock and sand that I have in my 29 and will be putting it in the 65. I will also be taking the water from the 29 and doing the same. However, I did need to get some more rock and sand which all came from a friends established tank. Will I get another cycle and what is the best way to go about this upgrade? Thanks, Amy


Active Member
If everything is already established, you won't get another cycle. The most important part is that when you are bringing in the new rock, keep it under water in buckets, otherwise you will get die off which will likely cause a mini cycle or a brand new cycle. I've moved tanks several times and have never had a problem.


also becareful moving the sand if it was me I would do a new sand bed and add some from the other tank no more than the first inch of sand into the new tank. getting to deep can release a lot of junk that gets built up deep in the sand bed.