Upgraded 24ap to a Sunpod 150w Halide (Pictures!)


OH MY GOD! I LOVE THIS LIGHTING! IT IS SO GORGEOUS! I am so so so so happy! The legs were a bit of a fight to get on I must say, but once they were and I hooked that thing up its like a Halo of beauty in my tank. Heres a pic or two. I wish that clam would stop growing haha.



Thank you so much! The end result of this tank will be a clam garden, with all the different species I can get in there.
It will get them growing for the large 72 corner bow clam garden I am planning out!
Henry is a Tridacna Gigas, a deepwater clam that can tolerate much lower light levels, he grew an inch and a half in the last 4 months in the regular stock lighting on the tank.
I only upgraded the light to accomodate the T. crocea, and T. maxima that require MAX lighting.
Thank you for the compliments.


Originally Posted by yerboy
whoa thats a big clam!!! mine is only like 1"

kicka$s tank

Yerboy? What kind of clam is it? I only ask because baby clams have a VERY high mortality rate, they die just because, not necessarily because of bad tank conditions, nobody knows why. I am interested to know what sort you have if you are having success with it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NudiLove
Yerboy? What kind of clam is it? I only ask because baby clams have a VERY high mortality rate, they die just because, not necessarily because of bad tank conditions, nobody knows why. I am interested to know what sort you have if you are having success with it!

i have the Ultra Max Clam - Blue
Its been in my tank for around 2 months and is doing great so far.
Can see my tank here


Congrats on your success, in all of my findings and research maximas are the most sensative, AND have the highest juvenile mortality rate. Good for you!

captn bob

wow your tank looks great,any chance of you showing a pic. of the lite fixture on the tsnk? I,m thinking of getting brighter lighting for my 24aquapod but not sure how to remove the canopy& am scared that my firefish might jump out with no cover on the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NudiLove
Congrats on your success, in all of my findings and research maximas are the most sensative, AND have the highest juvenile mortality rate. Good for you!

Thanks, i also have a flame scallop. And everywhere i read says those are hard as hell to keep to.. He stays between the rocks in the back and the wall so you cant see him from the front just from looking in from the sides.. He has a great spot with nice water flow and hasn't moved in a long time. When i first put him in he moved everyday it seemed.


Yeah, the electric scallops are picky about their spot,. and its usually somewhere inconvenient when they finally settle.