I have had a 55g Saltwater fish only tank off and on for over 15 years. I decided to redo my office and if I need to move the 55g I may as well upgrade it. I am ashamed to admit during that whole time I got all my info from my Local Fish store. When I went to upgrade i learned how much I didn't know and how much the info I thought I did know was outdated. Now on to my questions.
I am looking to go FOWLR at first. I have a 4-5 inch Stars and Stripes Puffer and a 24'' Tesselatta Eel. Are there any corals that can be added with these two? I know i would have to epoxy because they are bulls in a china shop but would they pick at and kill corals?
The second question I have is what do i need in terms of lighting to keep the live rock and sand healthy (and whatever corals I can add). A friend may be selling a combo light (2x150 MH 4x55w Artinic bulbs). I believe it is some knockoff but it works well. I know 150watt MH is a little low for a 90g but would this fixture work?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
I have had a 55g Saltwater fish only tank off and on for over 15 years. I decided to redo my office and if I need to move the 55g I may as well upgrade it. I am ashamed to admit during that whole time I got all my info from my Local Fish store. When I went to upgrade i learned how much I didn't know and how much the info I thought I did know was outdated. Now on to my questions.
I am looking to go FOWLR at first. I have a 4-5 inch Stars and Stripes Puffer and a 24'' Tesselatta Eel. Are there any corals that can be added with these two? I know i would have to epoxy because they are bulls in a china shop but would they pick at and kill corals?
The second question I have is what do i need in terms of lighting to keep the live rock and sand healthy (and whatever corals I can add). A friend may be selling a combo light (2x150 MH 4x55w Artinic bulbs). I believe it is some knockoff but it works well. I know 150watt MH is a little low for a 90g but would this fixture work?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you