Upgrading lights how to acclimate to new lighting?


I have currently 130w PC lights on my tank now. I am getting the Coralife Aqualight Pro, 150w MH with 130w PC's.
I run my actinic lights from 9am-10pm and my daylight one from 10pm-9pm.
With the increase in light by adding the Metal Halide how long should I run my lights when I first put them on and for how often?
I don't have many corals 2 zoa's colonies and 3 ricordia's.
I have 2 Clowns, 3 Sexy shrimp, 1 Cleaner shrimp, and 1 Peppermint shrimp


Active Member
start out runnning them 8 hrs a day, then over like two months bump it up to 10 or 12 hours.
go out and buy window screen from HD or lowes. buy big sheets and cut them to fit over your tank. place like 3 or 4 sheets over the tank and every week remove a sheet. it will allow less light to reach the tank, so the corals dont get shocked.


Active Member
Run your actinic like normal. With the Metal halides start turning them on for like 1 1/2 to 2 hours around noon and every day add 30 minutes to total on time for the MH until you are at a normal schedule. If you notice any stress signs decrease on time by an hour and go from there.


I just got 175MH this week to add to my VHO'S and my LFS -Joe who I trust as he is widely recommended along the east coast told me to start out at 6 hrs a day then incease 1 hr every month till I get to what I want.


i would do the shading thing....when i upgraded from vhos to MH i ran my for 8hrs/day and melted most my coral


Active Member
you should do a combination of both really. start running the lights @ 8hrs a day. also add the 4 layers of screen at this time. remove a layer each week. that will take 1 month to remove all layers. run your lights @ 8hrs with no screen for another week, then bump it up to 9 hrs. if no problems, then in another 2weeks-a month, bump it up to 10 hrs. keep doing this until you get your desired hrs per day.