Upgrading: Please Help


New Member
We are growing out of our 20 gallon tank. We need some help on what would be the optimal set up for our reef tank with fish. We are thinking about a 29 gal tank. (30 in long/12.5 wide/18 in deep.) or a 36 bowfront.
canister filter ?
wet dry?
Proten Skimmer?
Lighting: T-5 or Metal Halide (Thinking of Sunpod 30" 1x150w HQI Current USA Sunpod Metal Halide with moonlights built in)
Power Heads?
We would like to keep some annenomes and some oysters or clams. Also we would like to keep most any kind of coral.


You'll probably grow out of the 29 in no time as well, so the 36 is a better choice. A 55 would be even better and still in the same rough price range of the 36


If you upgrade try and double what you have, go with 55.


You will definately need a protien skimmer. If you decide to use a sump or refugium you should get an in-sump skimmer.
Lighting, the more the better. I've heard that you should have around 5 watts per gallon. The HQI's are nice, I settled on a Power compact though, cheaper. Just have to watch your tank temp since it's a smaller gallonage.
powerheads are optional, just as long as you have good water flow, about 20x-30x flow. On a 36g tank at 20x flow (20 x 36) you need 720gph of flow.
With the correct lighting, great h2o flow, and pristine h2o parameters, you should be able to keep most corals.
Keep researching on this site before you make any decissions yet. I read almost every thread on here for a month straight before I even bought anything.