upgrading tank...help me


Going to upgrade my 10 gallon nano to a 44 gallon tank
right now I have 10lbs live sand and about 10lbs of live rock.
how much more sand should I get...(side note I looked at ***** and they have non-live sand for$7 for a 10lb bag compared to
$24 for 10 lbs of live sand...but the cheaper stuff is way finer will it be ok to mix the 2?)
Also any ideas on fish....Have 2 damsels and 1 scooter bleny
also 2 turbo snails and 2 hermits and a sand sifting star....what else to get for clean up
thanks in advance


Good rule of thumb for live rock is 1-2 lbs per gallon. as for the sand i would put 2-3 inches of sand. You can use the sand from you 10 if you want.


Active Member
i wouldnt use the sand from your 10 and just get all new sand. because the sand in your old system has got a lot of nitrates and crap in it and if you move it to your new tank the crude would all come out of the sand and you would have a huge nitrate spike. so i would go with just a couple of new bags of LS

mandarin w

In fact the sand in the 10 gal is full with benifical bacteria. Keep that sand, It will also help seed the new sand.
Go ahead and get the sand from *****, the non live sand and save some money. Just put the sand from the nano with it. Don't stir it up. but just spread it out on top of the new stuff.
You are looking at about 60lbs of live rock. and about 50 to 60 Live sand. You will need a skimmer. Filter system Check into a good canister. If you go hang of the back (HOB) I would suggest an emporer, If have used them for years and never had issues with them. Then your lights, They have so many lighting options for the smaller tanks, it wonderful. You can go with any thing. MH, T-5's, Power compacts.
As far as fish go. I personnaly do not care for damsel's. They are mean little ****'s. And makes it harder on so many of the smaller fish that you would want to put in your tank. Unless you want to go with an agressive or semi-agressive. But I like the gobies, and the dart fish. Your small clowns are always a good stand by. But I would go to the compatibility chart, look up which fish you have already. See what works with them, Make up a list of what your choices could be. Look up the fish, their needs, care level, if there is any speacail notes. See if this is a fish you would like to have. Make a list useing those fish. And then you would know where you stand, as far as what is available to you.


hey thanks for all the info
side question i've always been told that with a fowlr system you really didn't a skimmer ... more for tanks with corals and stuff? what about looking into sand from home depot ... I've heard that if you test the sand with viniger and it fizzles its ok to use in a salt water tank...any thoughts?
thanks in advance
Well gonna start getting the water ready and hopefully have some more info when before I get to the sand part

mandarin w

I've heard that also. But I personally don't want to take a chance. This hobby is going to cost some money. And yes save money where you can. But don't ever try to save money on the main componant of the tank. Because if you are wrong. or someone mis informed you. You have a big problem on your hands.


Well went to anotherLFS and found better sand that matched what I had in size of grain...Made the switch water very cloudy..it won't hurt the fish will it???Got everyone in hope all goes good.Now gotta get my 10 gallon ready for my fresh water fish again ..that can wait untill tommorow


Well woke up today and the tank was at least see through...and the fish are ok :cheer:
Gonna have to do something about only havin 7lbs of live rock though :thinking:
Was thinking about making some but that puts the time frame at about 2 months before I get that stuff in there.
I've heard the stuff they sell here is good quallity?
Also kind cheap about $2 per pound compared to $6 I pay at the LFS. Any Ideas thanks