upgrading tanks?


New Member
I'm enlarging my saltwater tank from a 29 gal to a 55 gal. How would I go about this. I was just hoping to take the stuff out of one and add to the other, I don't think that's wise though. I have ls, lr, and several fish.


Active Member
You shoud be okay. I recently moved a 55 180 miles and kept everthing alive. I did not reuse the CC but replaced with new. I moved some water, fish, filter media. Light bio load so I did not experience a spike or a cycle. Moved eel, Niger Trigger, Sohol Tang and Yellow Tang. All survived and are still alive after one year. I was recently advised against moving the CC to a new tank I plan on setting up.

richard rendos

Active Member
I have upgraded tanks a few times with few to no problems. I never reuse the substrate either, but move everything else in the tank.
P.S. ScoobaDoo - I think an eel, Niger Trigger, Sohol Tang and Yellow Tang is quite a bio load for a 55 gallon tank.


Hi, what would be the problem for re-using the substrate? i reused a bunch when i upgraded. Should i be worried?