Upgrading to 210


I have a 55 gal reef tank set up and running for 4 & 1/2 years and today my hubby brought home a 210 gal tank (a deal he could not refuse), not new but never used. We are looking for advise/input/suggestions on just about everything. Lighting, filter systems, sumps, pumps, skimmers.......etc.
He is a custom furniture builder by trade and plans on building the stand and canopy. He is also very good with plumbing and wants to build as much as he can using PVC. He is looking for designs that are tested and proven to work.
We have a friend who has a metal halide light system (3 lights) that we may purchase if the price is right. We want to have them mounted inside the canpoy with a cooling fan as opposed to hanging exposed above the tank.
Currently the corals we have are various soft, leather, polyps, zoos, mushrooms, LPS & gorgonians plus a 10" sebae (purple tip) anenome. I am running 4.75 watts per gallon cf's. Livestock is semi-agressive, (1) clarks clown, (2) blue damsels, (1) Sanky's dottyback, (1) purple reef lobster, (4) chalk bass, (1) royal gramma and various snails. Crushed coral base (switching over to sand) and about 60# live rock.
Any suggestions on getting this monstrosity of an aquarium set up is appreciated~
Kate & John


Active Member
Filtration-I would go with a sump/fuge.
Skimmer- Not very familliar with huge model but like the coralife.
Lights-MH's or T5's
Pumps-Mag drives are great.