Upgrading to a 90g


So this week my new 90g should be in ( will post pics when I start getting it put together ). Right now I have a 16g that I would like to transfer some of my rock and sand into my refugium when I get it up and going. My question is, whats the best way of doing that.



Well-Known Member

I am not sure what you are asking...won't you put the sand and rock into the new tank and add some more as well??? I would like to know what the name of the zoa is in picture number 3. They are so much bigger than the neon dragon eyes next to them..Your tank looks beautiful.


Your right I was not very clear. I was thinking setting it up (rock and sand in the DT) and letting it run its course then bringing things over (no big deal there) . I was planning on using the sand and some of the rock from my smaller tank to setup my refug. I will turn on off my sump and put the sand in the refug and let it settle and turn it back on. Question is: will stirring up the sand cause any problems in my DT? or will I need to let it cycle for a few days and watch levels? Should i clean the sand before putting it into my refug?


i did this very thing just last summer. I used the sand from my 10 gallon to start my refuge. I didn't have any problems.... i had my 90 up and running though (without refuge) for a few weeks and I used old water from a larger tank's water change. I"m not recomending you do this, I'm just saying that it wont make a difference as long as you let that tank run for a little while and do a little water change just before transferring your livestock. Plus you gotta remember you'll have alot more water to dilute anything you sturr up anyway.