Upgrading to Larger Tank will it Cycle again?



Hi All
I will be up grading to a 125 from a 55 in a matter of a week or less. I will be using my old live sand on top of whatever new sand I need and going with the 80 or so pounds of live rock I already have to get started. The sand bed in my 55; (that I will be using is 4 inches deep and about 3 years old. I will also be using what water I can from the 55 to jump start the new tank. My question is will the new tank cycle again?


Originally Posted by toungetwster
Hi All
I will be up grading to a 125 from a 55 in a matter of a week or less. I will be using my old live sand on top of whatever new sand I need and going with the 80 or so pounds of live rock I already have to get started. The sand bed in my 55; (that I will be using is 4 inches deep and about 3 years old. I will also be using what water I can from the 55 to jump start the new tank. My question is will the new tank cycle again?
when i upgraded my 10 to a 38 using new and old sand and lr from the old tank i hit a little mini cycle that was ova in a few days. I experienced about .25 ammonia then a tiny spike in nitrites and nitrates. I just did a 10% water change everyday for about a week to keep all the levels down and after that i was fine with not casualties. I dont know if yours would be any different because of the larger upgrade maybe some1 else can share their experience also.


Active Member
You have a good head start using all the exsisting things from your other tank, but yes your tank will cycle again. Just won't take as long and you won't see the numbers like in a new tank cycle.


You could also save up some of your water from water changes and use this in addition to the water, sand, rocks in your tank.


Active Member
I upgraded from a 55 to 125 then again to 210.Each time using stuff from previous tank and some new with little to no cycle(very slight) with water changes.Good luck


Yes, the cycle will probably be small and quick. Within 24 hours you should be able to move over any fish from your previous tank. Only way to be 100% sure is to test your water though!


Active Member
Had a 55gal and upgraded to a 125gal. If you use all your water,rocks, and sand there shouldn't really be a cycle. There will be a small amount of ammonia because you stirred up your sand bed. Let it all set for a week and it should be done. It will be like a big water change. My 125gal cycled for about 4 days lol.


I went from a 54 to a 75 had a mincycle lasted about a week.