Upgrading without another cycle?


I'm going to be transferring my established 90g into a 200g... Adding a little extra (cured) rock, 200 lbs more sand with my live sand on top, and enough RO water to fill it. Will it cycle again?


Active Member
When I moved my 75 into my 210, it did not cycle again. Then again, I had 80 lbs. of live rock in the 75, and I had another 170 in buckets all cured and ready to go in my 210. I also used 2 bottles of Turbo Start to add a boost in biological bacteria as well.
The 200 lbs. of more sand, as well as the live sand, may present you with a problem though.


I dont know much but I would set up the 200 gal put the 200lbs of LR in and sand and let it cycle then add your stuff from your 90 but I am still pretty new to SW so I would see if some of the experts will answer and take their advice


I won't be adding much LR, because I'm planning for a ray along with my eel... so that's out. Will adding the bottled bacteria have any adverse affects on the LR or LS? I can't think of any, but what do I know? LOL!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
I won't be adding much LR, because I'm planning for a ray along with my eel... so that's out. Will adding the bottled bacteria have any adverse affects on the LR or LS? I can't think of any, but what do I know? LOL!
No it will not, as it only adds biological bacteria to your tank to help reduce ammonia and nitrite levels...


Fabulous. I think I'll get some just to be on the safe side. I'll need to get my eel in there asap - he can't be too happy in the 90!
Thanks for the responses!!