

New Member
Hi! I've had a 46 gal. set up for about 5 months with 52 pds. of liverock and 40 pds. sand. There is 2 percs., 3 chromis, 1 coral beauty, a royal gramma, 10 hermits, 3 emerald crabs, 4 snails,2 conchs, 2 featherdusters, and a cleaner shrimp. I've saved up enough money to upgrade to reef and I'd like to know which skimmer you rec. and if 3*96watts of power compacts would be enough for a bubble tip anenome and some LPS corals? Thanks! :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
I think you could do some type of an anemone but I dont know about the bubble tip. As for a skimmer I would say the aquac remora or remora pro would be good. There not to big and wouldnt be really bulkie on your tank. Or you could get read of your filter and get a hang on back refugium that has a built in skimmer.


Active Member
The remora is a good choice imo. Your light should be ok for softies/lps and maybe one of the less demanding anemones.


Active Member
Maybe one of the lower end MH pendants. Check around on the web. We aren't allowed to link websites. Try looking up metal halide on google.


Active Member
IMO you should have a skimmer with any marine life. A skimmer isn't intended only for reef tanks but for all aquatic life. I would save up a little more and get a nice skimmer and spend about $500 on a nice PC/MH light set-up. Well worth the extra money.


Active Member
I agree with airforceb2. Lighting and a skimmer are two items you don't want to skimp on.
I would suggest the AquaC Remora skimmer. Goes for aorund $200. Get the Maxijet pump as well.
For lighting, your best bet is to go with a MH fixture. For $300-$400 you can get a nice dual 150w HQI or dual 175w pendants. That will be more than enough for most anemones.
Be advised though that a skimmer and good lighting is not enough to keep anemones. You also need near pristine water conditions and good maintenance habits to keep it alive and healthy.


Active Member
Good point as well, forgot to mention the maturity of the tank and the water conditions. If you look on the auction site, you can find a decent light set-up. A couple I would suggest are either the Satellite by Current or the Orbit fixtures. They look nice and have almost all you would need. As for the skimmer, I would also suggest the AquaC Remora/Remora Pro or the Excalibur.