

New Member
I have a 75 gallon tank and upgrading to a 180 gallon. I will be using all of the essentials from my old tank. My question is, how long can my fish, coral and anemones survive without filtration, pump, etc. I will be using most of the saltwater already in my 75 gallon tank, but I will need time for the new sand in my new tank to clear.


Active Member
You pretty much need to leave the 75 as is, without PHs, filtration, pumps etc.. the tank won't last more than a day or so,....Correct way to do this is to get the 180 cycled and then move the 75g inhabitants over


Active Member
I'll be having a similar delima. I have a 46g and will be setting up something like a 135g or so in the next few months.
I too thought I would set up the 135 and cycle it then transfer everything over. However, no one in their right mind would set up a new tank, cycle it, and then add 20 or more corals, fish, and inverts immediately. Why would it be ok in this case?
Thus it has made me think perhaps I should just sell off my current tank and start completely over with the new one.