Upsizing from 55 gallon to 120 gallon


If I use the gravel that I have how much more will I need and do I need to cycle and for how long?
I have a 30 gallon hospital tank.
Any comments or suggestions will help bunches!


Active Member
I am doing the exact same thing. I only have a 2" sand bed in my 55 and I will be going to a 3" in the 120. I was toldd to drain all the water from the 55g, take out all the sand and put it in the 120 with the new sand on bottom. Then fill up the 120 maybe halfway with fresh ro/di water and then add the old water with LR, etc. Top off with fresh saltwater and it shouldnt cycle but if it does it will be realyy small and quick. My .02


like new water as if you were doing a water change to make up the diference. ro/di is just short for reverse osmosis/deionized... filtered.


dont' go with gravel! i have a small 25 gal with "gravel" in it right now and it's been a nightmare for nitrates. It's like a factory for them. i used 6" lsb in my 55 gal so far so good! Waiting for it to cycle. I think every tank should have it's time to cycle no matter what... using old water and lr and sand from established tank... still needs it's own time to establish. IMO...


Please keep me posted as to how the switch over goes as I will be doing the excate same thing shortly! But my idea was to do a few large water changes every couple of days from the 55 and use the water you took out doing the water change and put it in the 120. Do this when the new sand is in there and then once you have done this a few times add the live sand from the old tank and then add new saltwater. I was thinking this may prevent the new tank from cycling! Let me know if this will work!