Urchin and Corals


I currently have a purple urchin...i used him to help clean the tank. well I am in the process of getting my corals. should I keep the urchin? I have heard they will just much away by mistake...she eats everything in her path!
I am just worried a mistake will happen and eat a coral.
What do you think? :notsure:


Active Member
The only thing I know is that they (urchins in general) can easily knock over corals if they are not secured. I would like an urchin also and still dont know which is the best bet in a reef, if any. Bump for ya!


I've had a few urchins.i had a purple and it was a great cleaner never ate any of my corals but knocked things over alot.
had a black one with the long points on it and i really liked this this one but he used stab my soft corals.they did'nt like it, so he had go.so no urchens for me.



Originally posted by Sultan
Any problems with them eating coraline algea?

Ya that was another big problem,my tank could not produce coraline fast enough to cover up what they would eat.