Urchin care?


i spot feed mine all the time. u really dont have to but... mostly brine shrimp pellets and cooked shrimp. i have a black needle one. it has blue dots on it. and its one turf cookie. i killed about 300 bucks in fish about 4months ago. mixing ich meds, bad idea. the unchin lost all his needles and hid in the rocks for about 2weeks. once all the meds were gone he came out. he grew them all back within a month. him and a watchman and scooter blennie was the only thing that lived. and a couple hermits and snails.and hes the coolest looking one i think. i would think about him.
my friend has a pin cusion, and hes always knockin over corals and rocks. everything sticks to him. real trouble.


Active Member
yes you can spot feed urchins, but they mostly will eat your coraline algea also mostly all urchins are hardy as long as you acclimate them right
also if their spines start to fall off thats a sign of stress due to bad water quality also dont put with bigger wrasses or triggers


o yea, hes like my test kit. if the needles fall off theirs something wrong. he worns me before something happens. then i usually have enough time to fix it before anything bad happens.


Thanks for the comments... I knew they liked to graze on algae, but didn't know about the spot feeding. Wanted to reasearch first!