Urchin Not Moving


New Member
I have a purple urchin that is usually all over the tank, but ever since I got back from my baseball tourney trip to Puerto Rico he has not moved. It has been a week now. I tried to push him off of the perch he is on, but he is on that sucker pretty good and wedged in toward the back. I noticed some small shrimp looking things living in his needles before I left. There is a small dark looking spot on him from what I can see and his clear tentacles still move all around. My diamond goby "Neil" looks pregnant and the salinity was a bit high. Quite high actually and I lowered it back to normal with one water change. Could that possibly be what is wrong with the urchin? I have read that low salinity will do that but it isn't low..was just lowered in a rapid way, possibly. Any help would rock and thanks a ton in advance!!!

I will try to take a pic of the spot when I get home and upload it into the thread.


urchins are wierd. they are nocturnal also & hate the sunlight. (hence why they move around at night!) ive seen mine sometimes stay stationed for about a week then another week it will move every night. I wouldn't worry yet. esp if hes still suckered onto something, hes still alive! and btw mines a pencil urchin ive had it for about 9 months