Urchin Pro users


How long did it take for your skimmer to break in and start producing dry foam? Mine has been running for about a week now with a Mag 3 as the pump and it really hasn't created any dry foam yet, only wet foam on an off. I have been adjusting the collection cup but i can't seem to find a height that I can keep it at. Does the skimmer need more time to break in?:help:


From my experience the Urchin and Remora skimmers don't produce a real dry foam. I ran a Remora Pro for a while on a small reef and could never get the thick sludge that some of my other skimmers produce. This tank had a very heavy bioload also. No matter what I tried it always produced a wet foam.


I have quite the opposite experience. I have a Remora Pro on my 60 gal (with maxijet 1200) and it produces a very thick foam with thick brown sludge that has to be cleaned often. I have had it for about 6 months and have just cleaned it about a month ago with vinegar, etc. Works like new again, not that it ever did start slacking off...


Thanks for the reply, maybe I just don't have enough of a bioload for it to really start foaming. Right now I have a cleaner shrimp, emerald crab, yellow clown goby, tiny maroon clown, 3 large turbo snails and a tiny hippo(which will be moved to a 120 in sept.) and 50 lbs of live rock. It will foam up after feeding, but not the thick foam you are talking about.


Like Badkharma I have had great results with exactly your setup , a pro with a mag3. It took a little time and I never adjusted the cup. Take the band off and let it sit all the way in and just give it time. you will eventually get a green dry scum allover and leaking down the side of the cup with a little wet stuff to boot !