urchin/Xenia compatibility?


marine mike

I am thinking of adding a couple Xenia frags in to my current tank. I have an urchin in there now who pretty much minds his own business and stays under rocks most of the time. I know you have to keep an eye on them in the same tank, but any real concerns to be worried about? TIA!


If it's a short spine urchin, you're probably ok. A long spine might make a sishkabob out of some xenia, but probably not intentionally.
My blue tuxedo only eats the algea and crud, but he lives in my fuge. In my 30g I have a tiny long spine (1"), it lives in a rock and has never bothered anything (to my knowledge). I did loose an sps once, but I'm pretty is was stress related since it was just a day after I put it in.

marine mike

He is about 1 1/4 in diameter with spines about 1/2 inch or so. He hasn't bothered anything yet and pretty much keeps to himself. Thanks for the info!


my long spine doenst bother any of my xenia or any of my other coral