URGENT: How can you tell if a starfish is dead?


Ok, I recently bought two red bali starfishes, they're small about a size of a quarter. I found one sticking to the glass today, next to the snails. I wanted to remove the snail somewhere else. When I took the snail, the starfish fell to the bottom. When I saw it, I realized whatever inside the starfish is out. Most of its organs is out. Then again, its little tentacles still stick to sand, so is it dead? I just don't want to throw it away and find out later that it's not dead. So help, is it dead?
Te other one is doing fine, and sticking on one of the lr. So why is this one dead? Shouldn't be the water parameters because the other one still alive. If it's because of the water the other one should be in the same condition as the dead one. Anyone? I don't have any aggressive fish in my tank. Sally lightfoot, emerald crab, cleaner shrimp, sebae clown, and snails.

mr . salty

Active Member
My red general starfish would expell it's stomach(i guess) quite often. I just always thought this is a normal for them...Like an anemone does to empty or clean it's stomach...From what you say in your post,I would guess this is what is happening...My guess is it is,and will be fine.But definatly keep an eye on it...When/if it does die,,,There will be no doubt about it.As MR TANG said,They quite literally "melt away".


Isnt that how a star fish eats?? I may be wrong.. but my choc star will go to one corner of the tank, I stick a cube of 1select in his anus and he then expels himself all over the glass.. haha.. looks nasty.. but then about a day later all the food is gone and he looks normal again.. So I dont think he is dying.. :D


Yes a starfish when feeding on the glass will expell it's stomach. That's how they feed on the algae.


Ok thanks guys, I also called my lfs about this and they said that's how they eat. I tried to stick it to the glass and it sticked, and after couple of hours, it moved. So yeah I'm just a little bit concern. Btw, it is kindda gross :D .
OK now I know what it was doing, now I have another question. When I saw it, I was curious so I touched it, now am I not supposed to? Because some of its guts actually fell off. I didn't pull it off, it just came off.


I removed it just now. One of its foot was about to fall off, luckily no 'falling apart' actually happened yet. Do I have to worry about it letting off some toxin already?