URGENT!!!I need to act NOW


i have hair algae growin on one of my rocks.its starting to spread.What do i do?Get more hermits and snails?? freshwater dip?


Active Member
what kind of fish do you have in there? hermits and snails wouldnt hurt. i also haave to had pull alot of weeds & stuff out, it grows faster than the little guys can eat!


Active Member
also my sally lightfoot crab goes nuts in my tank. it never stops moving and eating. and another thing you can try is reducing the amount of time your lights are on. do it slowly though.


Active Member
The best things to do are control your nutrient levels (less feeding, RO/DI water) and make sure that your lighting isn't helping the bloom (lights could be older or the photo period is too long). Also, adding some extra current to keep detritus from building up on the rocks helps alot.
Using ROWAphos or Phosban in a fluidized reactor will help to control your phosphate levels and help control the algae for the long-term.
But if you're looking for critters to control the algae, my experience is that Lawnmower Blennies, Lettuce Nudibranchs, and Foxface Rabbitfish are the biggest consumers of hair algae.