Urgent.. need help QUICK


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Red sea sailfin has... not sure if it's ick or not.. but it looks like scars.. she's breathing heavily and her mouth and gills are wide open
i have some pics


Active Member
She's the only fish in a 30 gal tank w/ clean up crew a cleaner shrimp and 2 peps
from teh pic does it look parasitic?


Okay, I have never seen spots on her like that. Glad you've got the cleaners in there. Have they shown any interest? Has she gone near them to give them a chance to do their thing?
How have her swimming patterns been? Does she dart around? Is she lethargic at all? I don't remember -- is she interested in food?
Hope someone responds from this forum soon!


Active Member
sadly to say.. the reason this all happened was because my dad came home with a yellow tang a trigger.. i put the trigger in that tank and the yellow in my 125(she was in it then) i moved her out into the 30 because she was the only one showing any illness.. the trigger.. unfourtunatly is in a 10.. and soon to go back to the store. hse's interested in food. she goes to the cleaner but he won't pick anything off.. he runs away. she swims back and forth in the tank.


wait a minute - Stripe is now in the tank that the trigger was in? Did you do a water change between them? If the tang had ick, it's possible the trigger also had ich, in which case it's possible the tank is infected with ich? I'm not sure ich can live in the tank without fish, but I don't know. What do folks here say?


Terry, as far as a history on this fish, I can fill you in on the last many years. I adopted her from a LFS three years ago. Her previous owners gave her back to the LFS after they had her in an aggressive tank. The triggers in that tank tore off her entire top fin (as you can see from the picture, she's missing it) and stressed her out so badly that she got a really awful case of HLLE.
I saw her in the pet store in a tank by herself looking sad and scarred. My heart went out to her and the LFS guy asked me if I wanted her. I took her home with me. She was about five inches nose to tail at the time, so maybe she was a few years old? I had her for another three years or so during which time she had one more bout with HLLE, but recovered when I took the bully out of the tank, added more powerheads, added a grounder, and changed her food to a vitamin-rich, green-rich diet.
I recently added alot more rockwork and corals to my tank, and the tank got way too crowded for her (it's a 58 gal oceanic, and she's now maybe 7 inches nose to tail -- she seemed frustrated and miserable), so I offered her to my friend who has a 125 gal tank. He agreed to adopt her.
It was hell getting her out of the tank, but we managed to do it and she went to her new home. Jim will have to fill in the rest as far as her life in the last month or so. I don't remember who else is in the tank, but I think she's the biggest one in the tank.


If your blue hippo was totally unstressed and healthy, then it is possible that he's strong enough not to get the Ich, I think. It's also possible that he's just sub-acute right now, and that he'll get sick later. Keep watching.
How's Stripe today? Any changes? Those spots really have me stumped. Glad she's eating. The fact that the cleaners are not interested may be a good sign that it's not parasitic. On the other hand, if it's not parasitic, what is it? If it's bacterial, she should beat it herself with rest, vitamin-enriched food and pristine water. Keep me posted!


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it seems as though the spots are winding down and disapearing but no changes. she's looking a lot better but still has spots


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i just got home.. she has just a few spots left, but i'll keep her in there until the hypo treatment is done