*(URGENT)* poor tang


Ok ill start from day 1. We bought a yellow tang. Then the tank was infected by ick(or so we thought). there were no invertibrates in our main tank so we brought it down to hypo. for a almost 2 months was it in hypo. But these big fluffy white spots would not go away. He began to look like swiss cheese. then he got allittle bit better bu it was still there. So we put him in a qt with some stress coat and greenex. But i believe 10 galons was not engough for him. he must have been stressed. it just made the dissease worse. Now he has DEEP holes and hes losing his yellow layer. WHAT ARE THESE big white fluffy spots. and what is the cure. Note: they like his body more than his fins.


Ok so the QT was the wost thing to do. hes getting better now that he is in the main tank. we have a nitrate testkit and a phosphate kit. We have not tested the nitrates. but we tested the phosphates. THE phosphates are high. what should we do to lower phosfates. and what about soaking in garlic. We have to deal with the phosphates any because we will be growing coral. But THX for the info. ill go feed him some frozen brine.


Staff member
Give some infomation about he type of tank you have, what is in it, filtration, water source, etc.
IMO, tangs frequently do not do well in FO tanks. Are you using a grounding probe?


its got rocks and dead Hard Coralheads. Painted to look real. Now there are some snails and hermits in there. We used to use bio wheels but were going to make the tank a reef tank so were not using them. it has a power head and a canister with a filter spongey thingy. No probe thing. 55gal. the tang is about 3inches now. we use our well water and mix in salt. BRAND INSTANT OCEAN.


Staff member
Those painted coral head are likely harmful. I have seen those and the They are not made for the hobby.
I would suggest that you seriously consider redesigning your set up. If you don't have Robert Fenner's book on, "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" GET IT and read it.