Urgent Skin Condition In Shark


New Member
There are small red dots on the front part of my shark [brown banded bamboo, only a week old], i saw a somewhat similar condition on a domino damsel in the tank it was hatched in. Its definently an irratant because the shark weaves it's head down into the sand to scratch. I need a cure for it fast!!! [It is no longer in the tank it was hatched in]


Where are the dots on the front of the nose or the top of the nose and head? Are they the size of the sharks poors or larger?


New Member
I'm not sure what it was... And i probably will never know. I added antibacterial remedy to the tank [mega-lx or something] along with fungal remover. It might of been scrapes or something else. The day after I discovered the blotches I made sure all of the possible things were changed. I moved around all live rock so that none of the sharper ends were open to shark, created more hiding spaces for the shark [basiclly remodeled the tank], added more sand in places that were relatively shallower in sand than other [there was originally crushed coral there] ,and performed 25% water change. Everything is going along well now and shark is eating, but something disturbing happened on sunday... it did a side roll. I wasn't completely sure what was happening but i added another dose of antibacterial remedy.