!! Urgent!! Tang Dying! Beth/terry


Active Member
Hi Guys,
I have also posted this in reef forum, only because i need a quick response.
I have come home today to see my tang dying on a rock in my tank. He has been very thin for a few weeks now (anorexically thin) and you can see almost the skeletal bones. Now I treated with Myxazin for flatworm yesterday and today and I am wondering whether the toxin released from them has caused this? The only other inmate, a clownfish, is fine. Coral hasnt come out that much.
1) what can i do for the fish if anything?
2) was it the toxin or something else?
3) should i do a water change this evening? even though the tang hasnt died yet?
4)take a look at picture and if you can see, could it be something else that is killing him?
BTW I have a QT but my Royal Gramma is in there at the moment.
Params are all ok but will test in a minute to make sure.
Thanks for all your help guys,


Staff member
Yes, that fish does look like it has wasted away. What have you been feeding it.?
I think I would have removed all the fish before treated the flatworm problem.


Active Member
well I didnt think the flatworm toxin thing was going to be that horrific, I planned a water change tonight anyway.
I have been feeding him marine mix, and past few days some dried seaweed.
DO you think it could be flatworm toxin or something else? Should I do a water change whilst he is still with us or wait until tomorrow? :(
What shall I do beth?


Staff member
Has he been eating?? Will he eat now?
Are there other fish in the tank that have been exposed to the flatworm toxin?


Active Member
OK sorry Beth but he has just died :( Snails were in there like a shot, I have removed him immediately. At least there will not be any Ammonia issues.
Yes there is a false percula clown who is fine and happy and he would have been exposed to the toxin.
I just tested pH (8.2), Ammon (0.1, maybe 0.0 cant be sure), Nitrite (0) and Nitrate (5). Just going to check Ca and Alk now.
Any thoughts? Should I do a 20% water change this evening?
Thanks for your help,


Active Member
Hi Beth,
ALk is 11dKH and Ca 450.
I dont know whether to do a water change tonight or not, or leave it until tomorrow. Any thoughts?
Thanks Beth,


Active Member
ive just noticed that my clove polyp is a little underweather and i am really afraid to say this, but that my clown might have ich. Would toxin from flatworm cause ich? he has little bubbles on his fins but it may be just bubbles from the fluval which was above the water surface.
Man everything is going wrong :(


Tim - I would run carbon and do the water change. Thats my opinion.
I did not know about a sick tang in your tank, in using the med or whatever you used for the flatworms may verywell have overstressed your tang........Lesson learned. Sorry to hear about the loss.


Active Member
Hi Thomas712 and guys,
Well no he wasnt sick, he was just thin and not looking to great.
I have done a 20% water change and now found I hve no carbon, so will get some tomorrow morning. The clownfish doesnt have Ick, it was bubbles. I have found my shrimp although he is a bit subdued.
Fingers crossed it will improve from here.
Thanks for the help,


Active Member
oh btw thomas i dont think the med stressed the fish at all, its usued often over here for ick (not sure how successfully) but one thing it says is that it doesnt harm the fish in any way shape or form, where as some things like Kents RX-P, although very good, can irritate a fish. I believe the toxins from the flatworm has hit the tang perhaps when it was vulnerable.


Staff member
Thomas is right do a water change and if you have carbon run it.
No more tangs. please. You really are struggling with your setup. Give me the rundown on your tank and stocking when you get a chance.


Active Member
Hmmm sorry beth and terry but I dont really believe I am rushing with my set up? WHy do i need to slow down? Ive only lost 2 fish including this tang in 5 months, and im not looking at butterflies/angels terry? If i did post it was curiosity and hypothetically.
Yes perhaps I underfed him a little, i have learnt from that and will go forward. The yelow tang was added before i had the QT so he wasnt QT'd no. I have a Royal Gramma in my QT at the moment, so I am QT'ing everything i get now.
Yes I am struggling Beth, but I like to think i am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel; flatworms are now gone (perhaps at a small cost), diatoms are going every week and apstasia is slowly going with the help of Kalk Paste and 2 peppermint shrimps. My params are starting to come properly together too.
The low-down on my tank is in my sig.
I do intend to get another tang ( a regal/hippo this time) but only after I have done some reading etc and it will be QT'd.