

Hey everyone. I've had my tank set up and cycled for about 5 weeks now. All readings are low Nitrate-0, Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, and Salinity is at 1.023. I just boughttwo fish today, as Iof this minute I am acclimating them, they have 2 1/2 hours left. I am in a dilemma though, I have my QT tank but I didn't set it up with the water. I have a Cascade 100 canister filter for it and an automatic aquarium heater for it. The water in my main tank is good enough so can I just add that to the tank, or am I going to have an issue with the QT tank cycling? I was reading the thread Beth wrote on QT but I wasn't sure if my QT would cycle with good water in it. Please write back ASAP I don't have that much longer before my fish need to be added to the QT.


Active Member
You shouldn't have a cycle by adding water from your main tank to the QT. :D
If I understand what you're saying clearly.


Active Member
If these are the first fish you are adding to the tank, why would you need to quarantine them?



Originally posted by wax32
If these are the first fish you are adding to the tank, why would you need to quarantine them?

probably not to introduce parasites into the tank that could host his new fish....:thinking:


yeah exactly..i actually do have 2 clown fish already with turbo snails and blue legged hermits..i wanted to quarantine them too but i didnt get my qt filter in time so i just risked it...they seem good so far..i heard they were pretty hardy so i took the chance..i didnt want to chance the tang though cuz i heard they are prone to ich...and as for the green mandarin dragonet i dont know to much about them so im just gonna qt him too..


Active Member
you may want to wait on the mandarin because if your tank is 5 weeks old, then he probably wont have enough pods to eat.


yeah i know that. i am actually going to have him in QT for 3 weeks. so thats another 3 weeks for the actual tank to build up more. i actually bought special food for him, frozen. if he doesn't seem to be doing to good i will bring him back to my LFS. thanks for the info. though