

hello everyone i have an aquapod 24 gallon and i bought about twenty pounds of base rock and five pounds of live rock for my tank(about a week ago)and theres a couple of long clear worm type things on the rock.anybody have any idea what they are??????????p.s.theres a little reddish-brown to, worm any ideas on what that could be???


It could be like a peanut worm is what one might be. About the clear ones,
. The peanut worms weren't anything bad. Do you have any pics that would help us immensely. Or possibly a bristle worm. Check the FAQ Archive section to check the hitchhiker thread.


they dont move or anything and im not quite sure theyre even worms but i was just wondering,and thanks for the advice i'll check the faqs archive(by the way your name is hilarious)


When I salvaged my Cube 14, the Trates/Phates were through the roof and there were bristleworms everywhere.
If you have ALOT of filter-feeding worms, chances are you are still cycling, or your trates are high.
As your tank gets established and parameters balance out, the populations will diminish, I promise. I would not worry if I were you.


oh im not very worried i was just wondering what they were,they look like they would be hair worms but theyre alone(unlike hair worms which are usually together,right????)should i try to pull one out???